Join climate leaders helping turn agricultural fields into mega-factories of carbon dioxide removal


Why Andes?


Scalable and efficient

By leveraging the power of biology and the existing installed capacity of agriculture, our unique pathway has the potential to be deployed at an exceptional speed, scale and price point distinct from existing CDR approaches. Andes carbon removal tonnes are sold at a similar price to biochar but with much higher permanence and scale potential

Permanent and Safe

By turning carbon dioxide into minerals, the carbon is locked for thousands of years, providing a permanent and safe way to reduce CO₂ levels in the atmosphere, ensuring long-lasting climate impact. Andes microbes are naturally occurring in soils.

Certification and MRV

Andes is dedicated to transparency and rigorous carbon accounting. Andes follows a methodology developed by climate experts and validated to the ISO 14064 standard. The ISO methodology leverages direct soil sampling from a rigorous protocol. The issuance of the resulting removal tonnes are audited by an external Verification Body.


The generation of minerals in agricultural fields with Andes technology can have positive effects on soil and plant health. Benefits of minerals include improved water drainage, higher nutrient content in the soil, and decreased likelihood of plant diseases. Additionally, minerals can stabilize soil organic matter, benefiting the overall health of soil, plants, and communities that depend on agricultural systems

Community impact

​​By participating in the program, farmers receive a cash payment that can increase their net income by up to 30%, which is incredibly impactful in the communities where Andes operates, many of which are “disadvantaged” according to the US’ Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool. Expansion into geographies outside of the US will allow Andes carbon program to further reach low-income farmers in South America and Africa

Scientific rigor 

Andes has demonstrated carbon dioxide removal in the lab, mesocosm columns, growth chamber, greenhouse, and field conditions. Andes has a distinguished Scientific Advisory Board composed of leading experts across the fields of environmental microbiology, soil inorganic carbon, etc., who provide critical advice, perspective, and insight into Andes’ technology


In the news


Unearthing Soil’s Carbon-Removal Potential in Agriculture

How Microorganisms Are Helping Farmers Capture Carbon


A Microbial Approach to Carbon Removal



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