Andes technology reduces the carbon footprint of agricultural fields by leveraging beneficial microbes that convert atmospheric carbon dioxide into permanent minerals, a form of inorganic carbon


Why Andes?


Permanent and Safe

By turning carbon dioxide into minerals, the carbon is locked away for thousands of years, providing a permanent and safe way to reduce CO₂ levels in the atmosphere. Given the minerals’ permanence, there is minimal reversal risk.

Compatible with Regenerative Agriculture

Andes technology is complementary with regenerative agriculture practices, thus farmers can enroll in both programs simultaneously. This is because Andes’ microbe contributes to the generation of soil inorganic carbon (SIC), whereas regenerative agriculture builds up soil organic carbon (SOC). Andes Carbon Program currently enrolls corn, soybean, wheat, and canola fields across the US Midwest with plans to expand to additional crops and geographies.

High integrity and World-Class MRV

Andes follows the Microbial Carbon Mineralization methodology, created by a group of climate experts. This methodology uses direct soil sampling based on a rigorous and comprehensive protocol. The verification and generation of CO₂ emission reduction tonnes are compliant with SBTI’s FLAG framework and GHG’s Land Based Removals Protocol.

Farmer friendly

Andes Carbon Program is one of the simplest and most profitable agricultural carbon program in the market. Andes microbial technology seamlessly integrates with traditional farm operations. In addition, farmers enrolled in the program benefit from an extra revenue stream per enrolled acre, with no investment required.


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